Thursday, September 20, 2007

Just in case my blog doesn't do it for you, I got you a little something special.
It's a whole new reason to come here, now...

Sunday, September 2, 2007

So, I was tripping over the internet one night in my usual drunken stupor
and I came across the following photographic websites. Some are good,
some aren't exactly bad, and some are downright cool.
So says me, anyhow.
Alright, let's start with Mary Ellen Mark. This is not her official website but,
it does showcase a great deal of her images- some well known, some not so much.
Still, it was a great starting point for me to delve into the world of
Documentary Photography.
There is a Quicktime slide show that is very interesting.
My only qualm with the site is that it doesn't explain
what's going on in her individual images.
I need back story, people...

Okay, Let's continue to talk Photo Documentarist: In this realm James Nachtwey is apparently at the top of his field and one of the few photographers out there who are still able to do their jobs without relinquishing both their body and their souls.
His colleagues at constantly at a loss as to how he manage to do so...
In truth he is more of a Photo Journalist but I suppose that where these two specialities are concerned it is not unlike them to overlap from time to time.
For those of you who've seen Time Magazine, or read PDN no doubt
some of his images will seem familiar to you.
As they should...

Now, time for the original tabloid photographer- WeeGee!
I'm sorry. I know that I am doing a great disservice to the man.
Best known for shooting crime scenes, he was also a fantastic documentary photographer (do you see a pattern forming here...? If so, for God's sakes, tell me...).
He usually shot images in and around his favorite city- New York.
But, be that as it may, as a viewer he will usually emit only two strong emotions
from you: love or hate.
It's that simple.
Should his camera have been there in the back seat of the squad car? Did he have to show you the pool of blood underneath the body on the sidewalk?
How about the images of the lovebirds in the booth, or the kids sleeping on the
tenement balcony?
It all comes down to the same thing: privacy.
Where do we draw the line? What should we be shooting and what should be left alone?
If you want to hear what the man himself has to say on not one but,
ten topics, be sure to click on the header 'Weegee the Famous'. Here you will find some quicktime audio clips of Weegee (real name: Usher Fellig) dispelling his many secrets.
Listen to the one where he tells how he convinced a newly arrested jewel thief to let him take her picture. Priceless.

Now, for something completely different.
I love the photos of Herb Ritts and Patrick Demarchelier!
As far as fashion photography goes this is not my forté by any means but,
I have to admit that these images are beautiful!
I must admit that I am quite jealous of people who can make something
so mundane and ordinary (in the sense that it is basically the same type of clothing over and over again) look so appetising.
I would love to take pictures this beautiful and this creative.
When I say that fashion photography is not my forté I simply mean that it is not what I do.
Meaning: I am scared to try it.
I would have no idea where to begin to take a fashion photograph.
What exactly are the criteria for a fashion shot nowadays?
What goes and what does not?
Is nudity still in? And if so how much? Are we still going the way of Helmut Newton
and showing full frontal or are we staying more in the area of Abercrombie and Fitch?
No, wait...they do nudity, too...don't they?
But, I digress....
I am slowly learning that fashion photography is a great art form.
One day I hope to be brave enough to step into that world but, until then..enjoy.

Among my other favorite names to search for are : Ansel Adams(an oldie but a goodie), Edward Steichen, Andreas Feninger (architecture, open spaces), Edward weston, Alfred Stieglitz, Dorothea Lange, Annie Leibovitz, David LaChapelle, to name but a few.
Among my scandalous boys are: Bruce Weber (Somewhat..), Terry Richardson, Robert Mapplethorpe (you better believe it!), and Andreas Serrano (we love him!! his 'Piss Christ' is phenomenal!).
My secret favorite: Viggo Mortensen. Trust me- his shit ain't bad.
The black and white photo he took of Elijah in the woods, looking up at the sky- breathtaking!
Also Dennis Hopper and, I dare say, Beau bridges- but only because he can afford a panoramic camera. jealousy here..

The proof is in the Pudding

In the past few years I've been going through some things that have caused my photography to come to pretty much a stand still. Plagued ...