What up my peeps!?
Okay, so it's been a while- a LONG while- since we last spoke.
Here's an update:
For the last few months I've been busy with my graduating portfolio for Photography.
I started out wanting a portfolio showing ten images of the most romantic scenes I could come up with.
I wanted all kinds of different locations: beds, restaurants, hotels.
All different kinds of props: leather, whips, wedding dresses...
Sadly, in the end, there was narey a leather whip in sight!
Or a vail, for that matter...
Instead, after confusing my teachers into submission, I was offered the topic of Portraits and, with the help of my friend, BlackWing, yes, that's right, I said it-set about corralling my victi- models for the upcoming shoot.
The majority of my subjects were taken from the McConnell Residence at McGill University- McConnell Rules, baby!!
And a lot of the are men.
Save one.
So far...
They were all a dream to shoot, so easy. It probobly helped that they all photographed so well.
Naturals, I tell you, all of them....
I'm by no means done. I still have five, or is that six, more people to shoot.
So for now, it's g'night till next time.
Keep your fingers crossed for some leather!!