Stop me if you've heard this one.
I am here to spew my frustration at some of the stock companies that I have recently joined who have repeatedly rejected my images in the past few days- they are making me NUTS!!
Grant it, it is a bit early for me to be losing my mind at having my images so frequently rejected by these companies but, I tell you, they are quickly driving me crazy- to the point where my happy place is getting a lot more visits from me than it's used to...
Having said that, I completely understand why they had to refused my images from their pool, especially where iStockPhoto is concerned. They give you so much information before you sign up with then and after, when they have to reject you photos- they actually tell you why they can't accept your images, a practice I greatly appreciate!- that they leave no room for any ambiguity.
The same can not be said about some of the other stock sites. Some of them give you a variety of reasons as to why your images didn't get pass their inspectors, leaving you to choose one to your liking!
This is confusing to me.
If my images didn't pass muster then let me know why so I can correct the mistake and resubmit them at a later date!
Incidentally, the images in question are from a set of photos I took on a day of shooting with a friend of mine in the older part of the city.
They are a throwback to the early part of my photographic career when I first fell in love with these subjects, and to this day nature, architecture, architectural details are still one of my favorite subjects.
It would be easy for me to crack wise and cry lack of courtesy on the part of the companies but, the truth of the matter may be that they just don't have the time to extend such a gesture to their contributors. These sites, after all, get thousands upon thousands of pictures a day coming through their system and to stop and itemize each and every error for each and every photo could slow them down enough to put a halt to their business- instantly!
So, in the meantime, I resolve to not give up and to continue to shoot and try to get a handle on exactly what it is that they want from me- and then give it to them.
Beyond that... I've got more of the same.