It's workshop time!
Something you need to know about me is that I really love this time of year. This will be my third go at this and, will you believe, I still get nervous? I know, I should be an old hand at this by now but, I'm sorry to say, I'm still a slave to my fears.
Once again, the meeting place of choice was the spot in front of Beaver Lake and the replica Swiss Chalet on Mount Royal Park. Also, again, the first part of the workshop was dedicated to theory, and the last part to going out and doing some actual shooting to practice some of what they learned.
This year my audience wasn't as big as my last group but, they were just as amazing.
Connor and Genevieve were so open and so creative, that during my workshop they were the ones, who suggested we venture into uncharted workshop territory of the Cote Des Neiges Cemetery to spend the last half of our workshop.
Who was I to argue?
We had a really good time, despite the weather. Beautiful a day as it was, the sun shining very brightly above us, the clouds carelessly roving across the sky, it darn near froze our fingers off.
Ahh, the perils of creating art...
In the end we took shelter in the cafe in the Chalet. With hot drinks in our system and the blood rushing back into our fingers we laughed and rejoiced at the day we had.