Over the holidays I finally did something that I've been wanting to do for some time. I bought myself a Flash Head Kit.
I'd been circling this particular set at Lozeau, on St. Hubert Street. I would actually go there for visitations like some wayward parent. I would pet it and stroke it. I would eye the model they'd set up and dream of shooting wonderful images that were bound to get me rack and racks of awards.
I know, delusions of grandeur but, dream no more is what I did.
I bought them and took them home.
Now the hard part begins.
How the bloody Hell do I use the confounded things??!!
I am not so fortunate in my apartment as to have enough space to prance around in. Most days, the best I can do it trot or cantor- and all that while trying not to knock over everything that gets in my way.
The reason for this is because I still live at home and have nowhere near enough funds to get my own place (something else I spend my days dreaming of...).
So, for now, I have to make due with my cramp space that I have and that now has a whole new set of tenants,
tenants that take up quite a bit of real estate when fully opened and operational.
My first trip was to my kitchen. Barring a few tight squeezes I think I got off a few good shots.
You may not know it by looking at it but, what you see is something akin to a miracle before you.
Like most photographers, If I can help it- and I DO try, whenever I can- I make it a habit to never take photos of myself. I HATE it, I LOATHE being my own model. Mostly because I don't think that I ever come out looking good, no matter what I take photos of myself.
But, when I have no other choice, then this is the result.
Now, surprise of all surprises, I really like this image. I think it looks like a documentary image, like there is supposed to be more to the story here. Looking at it, it makes me want to know what he other images are, what else is going on here or happening to her.
Where the lighting is concerned, I think that I need to work on the placement of my lights. I find it a bit too close to my face but, that can be rectified by pulling the light farther back and pumping up it's intensity.
As for position, maybe I should have moved the light more off to the side, maybe that would have given me some more contour to my face...
This picture was something unexpected but, I quite like it. I think it's probably the most relaxed that I've ever been in front of a camera but, having said that, I wish my chest wasn't pushed so far out into the ether. It makes me look more busty than I am (is this really a problem?) and definitely more wide (that is definitely a problem). Also, I still haven't mastered the art of self portraits yet, as my face is very blurry. I really need to hone my skills on far off, I'm-going-to-be-there-in-one-minute focusing.
Lastly, I hit the hallway. At this point I was soo exhausted I could barely keep my eyes open. But, in the end I think I did okay. The lights work so, now, I just have to understand how to use them.
And find some willing models.