Monday, March 12, 2018

The proof is in the Pudding

In the past few years I've been going through some things that have caused my photography to come to pretty much a stand still. Plagued by a major lack of confidence and sudden question to my identity as a photographer, I find that I am questioning questioning what kind of photographer need to be to be considered an actual photographer.
Do I have to do what everyone else is doing, portraits, table top, landscapes or nature, and, if so, how doe I have to shoot them? Do I have to use studio lights or, can I use natural light? What if I am not that expert in the use of knowing where to put my lights or how to use my flashes outdoors? Do I still count? What if I can't speak the lingo very well, anymore, or haven't picked up my camera in months, even years?
Do I still count?

Cerebrally, I know that seeking outside validation is the surest road to ruin. The confidence I need should come from within and not from without. But, my heart, it knows of no such road. It only knows to feel.
In the end, I guess it all boils down to me wondering if I'm good enough to hang with the big boys, if I still count as a photographer if I don't do, act or sound like everybody else.
The truth is, I hope so...
I need to find my own path in this, a part of photograph that grabs me and never lets me go, something that speaks to me like nothing else.
For now, the search continues...

The proof is in the Pudding

In the past few years I've been going through some things that have caused my photography to come to pretty much a stand still. Plagued ...